For people who enjoy watching wild birds.

Photos, videos, birdhouse plans, tips how to video birds!

Tufted Titmouse
How to Start Birding
Gift Ideas for Birders
Gift Ideas for Birders! 🙂
Red-bellied Woodpecker at Feeder
Feeder Information to Attract Different Birds
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
How to Setup a Hummingbird Feeder
GoPro Close-up Northern Cardinal
How to make close-up Photographs of Wild Birds
Eastern Bluebird Birdhouse Plans
Free Birdhouse Plans
Birdhouse Gallery
Birdhouse Gallery
Male Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Bluebirds

A couple years ago I wanted to get back into woodworking, and thought I’d try to build a birdhouse, which I did. I put it on my bookshelf not really thinking past building it. ;). But after a few months it finally made it outside. And since I also like photography, I put a wireless camera inside the birdhouse. To my surprise birds were checking out the house immediately. And seeing the videos from inside the house was exciting. Now I know those birds were Carolina Chickadees and Eastern Bluebirds. Since then I’ve been customizing my birdhouses with 3D printed camera shelves 😉